Three students. Three cities. Three Russian adventures.

Over the 2011-2012 academic year, students from Middlebury College left their homes to experience life abroad. Many went to France, Argentina, and…

…Russia?! Wait a second. Why would anyone in their right minds want to go from a college notorious for its frigid weather to a place that’s even colder? Didn’t anyone tell them that studying Italian would be a heck of a lot easier than studying Russian? Did they consider what the food would have been like?! Why? Why would they do this to themselves?

On September 1st 2011, Midd Kids Hillary, Nate, and Sarah arrived in Russia to begin their study abroad in this beautiful and mysterious country. This adventurous trio had been studying Russian together since starting Middlebury in September of 2009. Unfortunately, it seems that it was time for the trio to split. Hillary headed off to Moscow, the political and cultural capital of Russia. Meanwhile, Nate  headed to Irkutsk, in the snowy Siberian East. Up north and over west, Sarah headed to Yaroslavl, one of the most historic and beautiful cities in Russia.

Follow these students as they explore and learn about Russia for themselves and for their readers!

Oh, trust us. We’ll tell you all about it!

2 Responses to “Our Story”

  1. HOLLAmasta5000 said

    Moscow’s not the cultural capital of Russia get ouuuta here. If anything its the CA$$$$$$$H capital

  2. Elena said

    Moscow is to some extent, but mostly it is only about cash.. but St. Petersburg is where it truly lives..

    this is coming from someone who was born in Moscow..

    happy travels & enjoy my mother Russia : )


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